
Windows 95 on Android Wear

Windows 95 on Android Wear [video]

Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation

Chain of Fools: Upgrading through every major version of Windows

Building "Windows 8" - A first look at the new "Windows 8" user interface

Ballmer sells Windows 1.0... used car salesman style!

Building "Windows 8" - A first look at the new "Windows 8" user interface

Steve Ballmer selling Windows 1.0

Windows 7 SMB Crash Video

U think Windows 8 has a steep learning curve? Watch a 3 yr old use it just fine

Upgrading from Windows 1.0 to Windows 8 on Actual Hardware [2013]

Upgrading from Windows 1.0 to Windows 8 on Actual Hardware [2013]

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