steve jobs

Steve Jobs calls up Dr. Dre about iTunes

Steve Jobs brainstorming at NeXT; Absolute must-see

Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech

Video: Steve Jobs building NeXT

Video: Steve Jobs building NeXT

Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone 7 years ago today

We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs talks to developers about saying "No"

Steve Jobs preparing for his first TV appearance

Video: 24 year-old Steve Jobs prepping for his first TV appearance (1978)

Steve Jobs in a TV report about Apple Computers (1985)

Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs - Billion Dollar Hippy (BBC Documentary)

Steve Jobs foreshadows Apple's cloud strategy in '97

Steve Jobs on Apple's brand strategy in 1997

Pre-Return Interview with Steve Jobs: "What happened to Apple?"

Steve Jobs - Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 - "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"

Steve Jobs' world view in a new 46 second clip

Steve Jobs explains branding

Steve Jobs on Branding

Steve Jobs giving an in-house speech at Apple circa 1997

Steve Jobs and his brain storming sessions

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