What is SOPA? aka The American Government trying to ruin the Internet
Clay Shirky: Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea)
Salman Khan on SOPA and PIPA [Video]
Aaron Swartz keynote: "How we stopped SOPA"
Wikipedia Leaves GoDaddy Over Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) [video]
Why Ron Paul is against SOPA
SOPA supporters are the main distributors of piracy software
The truth behind SOPA and bills like it. Get your WTF glasses ready ಠ_ಠ
SOPA Cabana a song by Dan Bull
First SOPA then PIPA and now: CISPA (Even worst than SOPA)
First SOPA then PIPA and now: CISPA (Even worst than SOPA)
Bill Maher on SOPA
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